java - Catching the IllegalArgumentException thrown by PropertyEditors in Spring -
i have propertyeditor in order translate ids persons, it's setastext (string text) follows:
public void setastext(string text) throws illegalargumentexception { try { int id = integer.parseint(text); person person = peopleservice.get(id); this.setvalue(person); } catch (numberformatexception ex) { // ... throw new illegalargumentexception("not number!: " + text); } catch (personnotfoundexcetion ex) { // ... throw new illegalargumentexception("impossible person: " + text); } }
and peoplecontroller has method follows:
@requestmapping("/getperson") public void ver (@requestparam person person, model model) { model.addattribute (person); // ... }
i want catch illegalargumentexception in order show friendly message user, such "sorry, person looking isn't here", don't know that...
general exception handling can done in way:
@exceptionhandler(exception.class) @responsestatus(httpstatus.internal_server_error) public string handleallexceptions(exception e) { return "redirect:/error.html"; /* use correct view name */ }
more specfic use bindingresult
@requestmapping(value = "/datedata", method = public string create( @modelattribute("datedata") final datedata datedata, final bindingresult result) { if (result.haserrors()) { return "datedata/create"; } else { ... return "myview"; } }
but guess works "forms" (modelattribute)
in humble opinion not idea let spring handle validaten of user input property editors. recommend use form way: build command object string field use validator on it.
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